
Improve Meeting Management With AI

Conducting business online has never been easier. Despite the fact that, in the United States alone, nearly 55 million meetings are held per week, they no longer need to be done so in person. Unfortunately, with so many meetings being held, many of them end up being unproductive, which can lead to wasted time and resources. Understanding this, new and innovative technology has created ways in which meeting management can be improved. With the help of Artificial Intelligence, these meeting management tools are improving efficiency and boosting productivity for companies of all shapes and sizes. This technology has specific uses, such as accurately tracking the attendees of any meetings’ arrival times, recording each person’s microphone contributions, and providing meeting notes. Coupling this technology with the advanced video conference equipment on the market can help streamline conference room management. To learn more about the ways in which smart technology is improving the ways in which organizations are holding meetings and deriving value from them, please check out the resource supported alongside this post.

Improve Meeting Management With AI this infographic was contributed by SimpleUC, a premier provider of audio conferencing equipment

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